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Registration Fee includes:

- Attendance to the Scientific Session

- Scientific material of the symposium with conference bag

​- Coffee Breaks

- Lunches


Info about Registration Fees:

Early Registration:  200 Euro for IMaSS and GIDRM Members; 250 Euro + VAT (22%) for non-members

Late Registration:  250 Euro for IMaSS and GIDRM Members; 300 Euro + VAT (22%) for non-members

One-day registration (to be paid at the conference site): 120 Euro forIMaSS and GIDRM Members; 120 Euro + VAT (22%) for non-members




GIDRM Attendance Grants

5 Attendance Grants, covering the registration fee, will be offered to under 35 GIDRM members by GIDRM. Applications for grants, including abstract for an oral or poster contribution, CV and presentation letter from research supervisor, should be sent to by September 30th 2019.


IMaSS Attendance Grants

2 Attendance Grants, covering the registration fee, will be offered to under 35 IMaSS members by IMaSS. Applications for grants, including abstract for an oral or poster contribution, CV and presentation letter from research supervisor, should be sent to by September 30th 2019.​

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